I got sidetracked with the Improv Blogging "initiative," if you will, from earlier in the summer for various worthy reasons like Aaron Piersol and books and visits to and from people. Several suggestions were left hanging, for which I profoundly apologize.
However, Jules is here this week for work and is staying with me, which leads me to....Pépe. Who was suggested as an Improv topic by the lovely Ash.
But. I don't exactly know where to start with Pépe.
Pépe (full name Pepino Rodrigo Serrano Gonzales) is many things. A prawn for starters. A Muppet. A Spaniard (from Madrid, specifically). A film star and self-styled Casanova. For a while, the Long John Silvers spokes-prawn. Master of the non sequitur.

In this photo, Pépe dons an apron for a scene with his best friend, Kermit the Frog, in Muppets in Space.
He is also Jules' alter-ego, featuring prominently in her speech patterns and inspiring her blog, "Pepe Pontificates."
There are many things one could say about Pépe, but instead, I offer you his screen test for the coveted position of Spokesprawn for Long John Silvers.
I show you, it is melancholy, ohkeh. Melancholy. Melancholy. AHHHH! Boo hoo. I am so melancholy ohkeh.