They are a curious shade of reddish pink. JCrew calls them "cayenne." CZ and I think they're really more watermelon.
This is also the first snow we've had since I got my car. I went outside this morning, suitably booted and bundled up, to commence defrosting and scraping the car windows.
**Here I need to break in for some backstory. When I got my car, Mom presented me with a huge bag of Car Stuff, everything I could ever possibly need for my car: Jumper cables, polishes and cleaning supplies, first aid kit, special hammer that performs the dual functions of smashing the windows and slicing through the seatbelt in the event that I drive into a large body of water, etc. **
Anyway, I got out the bag of Car Stuff and discovered that she had, indeed, gotten me everything I could ever possibly need for my car. Except an ice scraper.
Pannie, maybe I should have bought you a snow brush/ice scraper for Christmas!