Sunday, March 22, 2009
So much for the laundry
That said, I can't quite reconcile the fact that one of my favorite characters is played by one of the New Kids on the Block.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Well, it's a post, anyway.
Oh. Hello! I…sort of forgot I had a blog. But G reprimanded me last week for not posting recently: “SOME of us use your blog to procrastinate at work.”
Um, yeah, that’s what I use it for, too. Which also why I have not been writing. My work days have been packed from top to bottom. No time for blogging or, you know, reading
(Know how long it’s been since I’ve had a spare minute to read People at work? I somehow managed to totally miss that Jen and Ben had their new baby. ON JANUARY 6. I just found this out last week. I saw “Seraphina Rose Elizabeth Affleck” and was like, eh? who? what? So I’ve been in a hole, is what I’m saying. But I digress.)
Spring is here, which I know because in the last week I’ve found holes or runs in three pairs of pantyhose and tights. I never run my hose, so clearly this is the universe’s way of saying enough already with the winter clothes!
Anyway, I have done one or two other things in recent weeks, which I shall recount for you now.
Finally saw Slumdog Millionaire a few weeks ago. I enjoyed it. However, I find that the much-hyped “best movie of the year” type films rarely live up to said hype. Not that they aren’t good—even great—but I’m frequently just a tad disappointed. I felt the same way about Juno. (The exception to this is Little Miss Sunshine, which was completely delightful.)
I discovered an almost-new canister of Country Time pink lemonade in my cabinet and consumed the whole thing in the course of a weekend.
Normally I’m a novel person, but I’ve plowed through three non-fiction books—Blink (Malcolm Gladwell), 1776 (David McCullough), and A Year in the World (Frances Mayes) in a row in the last few weeks, plus the John Adams HBO miniseries. I cannot say enough about how good it is.
Last weekend I went to see JS compete at the National Trumpet Competition in
I had the good fortune to pick up the wrong bag of chips at the store, which led to my first experience with Ruffles Baked Cheddar and Sour Cream. They are entirely addictive, yet not all that unhealthy! You know, as potato chips go.
In the course of exactly one day—specifically, Friday, March 13—I went from two planned trips this summer to about seven. Which means I will probably not be getting that new TV just yet.
Lots of wedding-y fun these days, too. Bridesmaid dress purchased, hotels booked, flights researched (WHY THE HELL IS IT SO EXPENSIVE TO FLY TO ATLANTA?!), showers and bachelorettes scheduled, hours-worth of music listened to and scripture researched for Jules, and one oboe player tentatively booked.
How great have the little teams been in the NCAA tournament so far?! I was so proud of American and ETSU in their first round games against Villanova and Pitt. In the interest of full disclosure, though, my bracket would have been completely busted if ETSU had won—I have Pitt winning the entire tournament. We’ll see.
Oh, and I still have not taken my Christmas tree down. Not because I’m trying to hang on to the holiday season, but because keep forgetting. At this point, I barely notice it. And yes, I realize how ridiculous this is.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
A Christmas Miracle
Ok, so. The story begins on a cold December afternoon in 2004. I am at a shoe store with my mother, where I am searching for a pair of black boots for my semester abroad. They must be versatile—for wearing with suits, skirts, and jeans—comfortable for walking, and without crazy-tall heels. I find them. They are on sale. They are delightful. Mission accomplished.
Cut to late January, approximately nine days after arrival in London. My boots and I are at a supremely Eurotrashy, um, coffee shop near Leicester Square, where my friends and I have been dragged by one supremely aggressive roommate. It is hot, horribly crowded, and you can’t hear yourself think. Someone steps, hard, on my left foot, crushing the toe of the boot. The damage, though cosmetic only, is seemingly irreparable, though they are otherwise pristine.
For five years, I wear them anyway, upwards of three days a week during the October to April chilly period. I have them reheeled annually and resoled twice. Shoe polish provides temporary luster, but the boots are past their prime. A looong way past it. They start to look rather worn and beaten—in no small part due to the oddly-creased toe—but I love them to much to replace them. Casual searches for new pairs only reaffirm the perfection of the originals—real leather, versatile, comfy, a pleasing and unexpected patchwork pattern on the leg shaft. Gosh darnit, I’d traveled Britain and Europe in those boots. We have HISTORY.
Fast forward to December 21, 2009, nearly five years to the week after the purchase of The Boots. I’m at church, talking to my mother and Mrs. O, my old piano teacher, when across the room I spot, beneath a blue choir robe, a pair of boots that look remarkably similar to mine. “Hey!” I exclaim, shocked. “Those are my boots!” Mrs. O looks puzzled. I explain the Saga of The Boots.
“I have those boots. I never wear them. Do you want them?” she asks.
“The same boots?”
“Same boots.”
“Probably not actually the same boots. I got mine five years ago,” I respond doubtfully, not wanting to get my hopes up.
“I did too, and they look just like that. Anyway, they’re eight-and-a-halfs. What size do you wear?”
“EIGHT-AND-A-HALF.” I hardly dare to believe that such a thing might be possible.
“Are they Liz Claiborne?”
“I think so.”
“What color is the lining?”
“Mine are purple.” Oh, piffle.
“Maybe they are purple, I don’t remember, I never wear them.”
The next day, I go to Mrs. O’s house. The boots are sitting in their original box, looking like new. The soles have no marks on them. They are THE SAME BOOTS. THE EXACT SAME BOOTS. And she gives them to me. And lo, I am overjoyed, and there is much celebrating throughout the land.
“This is like Christmas!!!” I exclaim. And it is. Since it's, you know, three days before Christmas.
And that, my friends, is my Christmas miracle.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Snow day!

Okay, he was on my windowsill, but he's apparently camera shy. So he flew to the tree.